Seating: 1
Empty Weight: 251lbs
Gross Weight: 600lbs
Wingspan: 31.5 feet
Length: 100” 82 75 (carriage)
Height: 82”
Trike width 75”
Trike wheel track 63”
Wing Area: 15 square meters
Fuel : 5 US. Gallons
Engine: Rotax 912 UL (80 HP), 912ULS (100 HP)
Power: 80 hp 4-stroke, 100 HP 4-stroke
Gross weight: 1040 pounds (472.5 kg)
Hands Off Trim Cruise Speed (sea level with electric trim):
Reflex Discovery Wing: 55 - 80 mph (48 - 69 knots)
Reflex RIVAL S Wing: 55 – 100 mph (52 - 87 Knots)
Reflex Competition Wing: 65 - 100 mph (56 - 87knots)
Never Exceed Speed (Vne):
Reflex Discovery Wing: 90 mph (78 knots)
Reflex RIVAL S Wing: 115 mph (100 Knots)
Reflex Competition Wing: 115 mph (100 knots)
Max. Straight and Level Speed (Vh):
Reflex Discovery Wing: 100 mph (87 Knots)
Reflex RIVAL S Wing: 104 mph (90 knots)
Reflex Competition Wing: 110 mph (96 Knots)
Stall Speed at gross weight (sea level):
Reflex Discovery Wing: 38 mph (33 Knots)
Reflex RIVAL S Wing: 44 mph (39 knots)
Reflex Competition Wing: 41 mph (36 knots)
Rate Of Climb (912ULS) at gross weight (ISA):
Reflex Discovery Wing: 1065 ft/min (5.4 m/sec)
Reflex RIVAL S Wing: 1000 ft/min (5 m/sec)
Reflex Competition Wing: 1000 ft/min (5 m/sec)
Takeoff Distance to clear 50 foot obstacle (912ULS at ISA):
Reflex Discovery Wing: 855 feet (260 metres)
Reflex RIVAL S Wing: 902 feet (290 meters)
Reflex Competition Wing: 951 feet (290 meters)
Landing Distance to clear 50 foot obstacle : 800 feet (244 meters)
Descent Rate:
Reflex Discovery Wing: 460 feet per minute (2.337 m/sec) @
56 mph (48 knots)
Reflex RIVAL S Wing: 560 feet per minute (2.845 m/sec)
@ 58 mph (50 knots)
Reflex Competition Wing: 560 feet per minute (2.845 m/sec)
@ 58 mph (50 knots)
Glide Ratio:
Reflex Discovery Wing: 10.7:1
Reflex RIVAL S Wing: 9.2:1
Reflex Competition Wing: 9.0:1
Maximum Endurance:
Reflex Discovery Wing: 5.0 hours
Reflex RIVAL S Wing: 5.0 hours
Reflex Competition Wing: 4.0 hours
Ultimate Strength: +6g, -3g
Maneuverable Loading: +4g, -0g